trip after our exam!!!

yay!!! our AJ3 genting trip rocks!!!
thurs morning, brian n jason drove us up to genting for two days n a night!
around 1.30 v reached there n went theme park in order to wait for others to come!
wow, v sat almost every rides=p funny stuffs did happens of cuz. haha!
imagine,,,,,, how 11ppl goin to sleep in a small theme park hotel room???
i hav no idea as well tho, haha. but the room is much much more nicer than 1st world.
nvm, v hav our dinner at 1st world hotel.
our party starts here,
we went to a big stone place, 'secretive place' to celebrate keong n brian burfday!
it was a dark n SCARY place, too bad for us tat cant c the nice views from there cuz of the forks. heavy forks last night,
it was really fun havin party up there.
went back room after tat, chit chatting, takes turn to wait for so many ppl to shower, played cards n watched harry potter4. i can say tat it our room was super duper happening, good thing no one complaint of our noises=p
n yeah, me, renee vennie n brian ended up slept 1st n yet others went out n hav a midnight walk, the pillow talks started here among the 3of us.
around 5.30, time for us to go for sun rise,
jom, lets go!!
were wondering which direction should v look for the sun rise?
THERE!!! finally v found it!!! great!!! yes, its there!!!
v waiting, desperating, n finally, v saw it!! v saw it!!! wasnt tat nice cuz of the clouds blocking but the moments of waiting for it was really nice n amazing.
everyone of us was freezingly cool while waiting.
after tat, v went arcade!! but not all of us, some went back hotel room n date wif their sleeping god=p
me, renee, vennie, kee nee, calvin n ronald went.
ok, the journey ended up having out lunch at 1u after checked out!!
thanks ronald our organiser, v appreciate it a lot!! thankz!! happy holidays AJ3~

these r our pics for our long long journey, enjoy them.