hooray!! lets celebrate!!!

HOORAY!!! my exam is over!!!
stupid moral paper! so crazy difficult! i got not enough time to finish it! ARRR!!
nvm, good thing its not counted for the average point,, shew!
yay!! after our last paper, maths, we went ikea for MEATBALLS!
ok, i shared meatballs, chicken leg, daim cake, n 5chicken wings wif maralyn!!
maths paper was easy! don hav graph drawing! thank GOD!!!

those r my calculator for my acc! three calculators for onli acc n cant believe i still can count wrongly!

my stacks of papers which i can throw them away, wait, recycle them!

hooray!! went ice skating after ikea meatballs!!
it was nice after a long time i din skate!
time for a week holidays!!!
tomoro our genting trip!! cant wait for it!!!
n yea, suprisingly met them at pyramid!!
tomoro, 16/4 HAPPY BURFDAY to kelvin!!!
chaoz! gonna charge myself for tomoro!!!