sounds 'great!'

its a really tiring day for me n i think for all my collmates as well,
as v had our eng n acc papers today,
i hav been writing almost the whole day,
brain working a lot for it,
brands chicken essence no use! it still cant make my brain work better!
I COULDNT BALANCE MY ACC! n it sounds really 'great' cuz i left few hundreds thonsands to balance it. where to get those few thousands??!!! arrr. screwed it lar.
btw eng wasnt tat bad.
n i realised april is a happening month which so many of my frens b`day r in april!!! ~today, 13/4 HAPPY BURFDAY to jeewen!~ oh yeah,~ yesterday's, 12/4 HAPPY BURFDAY dad!~ ~tomoro, 14/4 HAPPY BURFDAY to keong!~ blessed burfday!
arrr, gonna study for tomoro's business comm!
yea, stressful, tiring, hectic, exhausted,
mayb those r the 'fun' for exam!