its been a really long time...

i'm back i'm back to update my blog=)

1st thing came in my mind was tat, yeah tat...

fine, i ady know it going to happen after all, as what i've said, liars/sinful person will have the consequences... well well, i heard gossip about her everywhere.. one thing that makes me feel better just because i dont have her 'wonderful' attitude.. DUNDERHEAD?? isnt it a nice word to suits?? lol...

isnt it i should feel happy after exam?? that my foundation going to end??
i think i dont feel any happy at all tho, another exam coming, piano exam, i think that will be more hectic to handle it =(...

yeah, the happening month, so many of them b'day...
2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, foongpooi,
3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, jason khoo,
4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, aaron heng,
5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, vennie,
6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gavin....
blessed birthday, july babies....=)

alright, my exam was fine,=).. thank you!!!=) i owe you=)

a week more,
A WEEK MORE, my degree going to start!!

its time for me to appreciate friends around me,
another year then i will be leaving... =(

our trip tml..
i feel happy in a way, but something else just bordering me and making me so frustrated, piano!!! piano!!!...