happening weekends wif fri??

yeah, my movie day! transformers huh!!!
was trying to get tickets two days be4 but just cant even sign in to the web...
ok, nvm.... come to worst then someone gonna get me 'silver seat'=)...
n yea, v got the 'silver seat' at gardens=) hoping for a 'gold seat' next time=)
->met few ppl, the yang which i've nvr seen in ages, then met amanda n frens fr high school
->crazy, 3bubble tea for only both of us.. i drank 1 cup n a half of it^^..
->the movie was ok, average... a bit too long i think.. n yet ppl r so desperate for it till i cant even get tickets for sunday on fri, ALL SOLD OFF.. isnt it crazy??

as usual went midvalley,
nothing attracts me today=(..
was searching for handbag..
was having migrain,

my cute 'baby' cousin.. was crying=p...

SAT night,
i think its my long journey for the day,
when cheras took lisia n meet up philip,
sesak jalan when otw there....=p....
--something weird here, i was fetching philip dad=p.. sounds really weird huh... i was driving a parent=p... feel to pressured=)...
finally, reached kumaran place around 7++ i guess..
wow, u will nvr believe how his house look like,
its tidy outside but HUGE inside with FIVEstairs to different places, THREE stories, n with numerous decorations...

the 'adventure' started,
jo fetched us to a so called '10 mins' drive supermarket,
its far actually,
-> arrr,, drive slowly, n every1 in the car was quiet, wouldnt dare to make noise tho=p.. says " let jo concentrate her driving"...
....says "ARH,,, JO,,, CAR COMING OUT!!"... our lives were in her hands, n her hands NEARLY took away our lives^^... ended up eating pizza instead of the earlier plan for steamboat=p..

"lets play some games".. the idea came out fr philip.."play bluff lar then".. "ok"
me:'eh i'm not good in lying, i couldnt bluff"...
shhhh, mute,, i've onli bluff once which they guessed as well=p.. so, i'm not a good liar like others... hehe...

too bad, i wasnt the loser still... PHILIP, got punished=p with the mixer of eggs, soup, tou fu, dragon fruit jelly etc etc... looks so yiakie =O...
BYE, sat night story ends there....

i'm happy n feel great to c them again, althought it always made me think of the two 'love birds' but it true tat i enjoyed myself there still...