its KRIS!!!

the final result for american idol season 8 is out!!!

i think it was unexpected tat kris won!!

yay!!! thankz ms loo telling me the result early morning while having econs!!

i love adam's voice but kris more!

ar,, i still prefer the last year's david vs david..

adam is a gay n kris was taken...

whereas both david r still available... hahaha...

come back to my life,

i'm happy tat saw cheong n chor yin at mcD this afternoon! havent seen both of them in a really long time.. so sweet of them, both goin to imu together!

moving on, AJ3 celebrated a burfday party for see bee at burger king!!!

n watched the repeat for american idol at 6 to 10!!! sounds so crazy i watched it twice=p... hehe...

i'm happy wif the result by the way.....