i'm fine!!

thankz everyone!!!
i'm probably fine but not totally heal yet=p

went to coll last these two days,
juz for econs presentation,,
hope it was fine!!! hope i did it well!!!

suppose i think i can attend classes but juz in case my virus spread to others so yeah i skipped many classes, since i hav a week mc so wat for waste it=p... hahaha...

tues morning,
aunt: ok, today i driving myself to work after tat grandpa drive u to coll..
me: fine ok ok.. i hav my insurance...
driving all the way to mv in the morning n finally reached safely
grandpa: nah, ur turn to drive urself to coll...
me: uhhhhhh,,, serious ar.... ooooooookk....

eh, i cant imagine i dare to really drive myself to coll when its so freakingly jam in the morning everywhere wif so many cars!!!

haha... i still ended up at coll by driving myself!!! hooray!!! something i should be proud at myself=p... finally, i can drive to coll next time=p...