yesterday night + today!

ok, today as usual, went mv for breakfast, haha, i spent again=p. be4 i leave to the aust edu fair at seri pacific hotel, i went isetan tried on few clothes n yea, i got them in kinda rushed=p. SALES!!! everywhere!!! i'm broke broke broke. thankz mum for paying for me=p. i feel guilty=p haha. yeah, then after tat rushed to seripacific hotel which i noe its opposite 'the mall'. once i got down from the train, walked n walked, WAIT, this place, THIS PLACE, gosh, 'the memorable' bus station! tat was the bus station v took bus to redang! arrrr! all the memories came, CAME BACK! ='(='( I MISS HIM I MISS HIM! i dunno wat else can i do, i dunno. i need pain killer for my heart, i need it! after all, the edu fair was ok, kinda small one compared to the one i went wif him last two years at convention hall, klcc. yeah, but i did found out abt other coll other than curtin. ok, tats all for today.

erm, thankz bro for fetching me out yesterdat night when i was so sad. went bangsar to look for jing szeye n sean, suprisingly i noe the way=p hehe.