the feeling is juz there!

there it is

ok, the feeling is juz there! today i got no piano class, so last few days i had decided go look for my mckl frens. its kind of a long long journey to get to mckl=p reached there around 11.15, 'tu tu tu', came down from the train at tun sambatan, as usual, went look for his car once i get down from the train, oh yes, his car BJL 7282, was there as usual too. like after 3sec, i saw from far someone like him n wearing our school pj uniform, the distance is getting nearer, n nearer, omg! tats him , tats him! my 1st time seeing him from far far far after these two months. THE FEELING JUZ THERE! i knew tat would happen d, my tears juz cant stop coming out from my heart til my eyes=p, gosh, i really miss him a lot, a lot. cant imagine i finally cried out after the past few times i went there. good thing no one at the station, was kinda empty there. was wondering y his fren driving his car but nt him, after tat i onli found out his shoulder dislocated. ouch ouch ouch, this isnt the 1st time he dislocated it. take care lar u. hope u r fine in every other things. result coming out yea, will be always praying for u. i'm always there for u. i noe u gonna get better result this time yea! GBU, b.