what is love?

love is patient??
love is blind??
love is sweet??
love is unfair??
love is abt sacrificing??
love is abt willingness??

what is love? what is love that make us happy n hurt us easily??

there's a miserable song called 'love hurts' where a guy wails on abt love n hmm, how much it hurts. there r also loads of love songs lamenting a broken heart or spweing out resentment over a love gone wrong. n then there's the other end of the spectrum where its all rainbows n sunshine. so what is love?

i noe there r some ppl in relationship who arent exactly feeling the rainbows n sunshine. they're in relationship wif partnet but dunno why. they fight, they hav nothing to say to each other, they take each other for advantage yet if u were to ask them y they r still together, the ans probably would b they love each other. is that really love? granted, there r couples who get off on fighting bt if tats the onli thing u hav goin for ur relationship, then its really a sad situation.

then there r also those who love being miserable in relationship. apparently, if u're not moping around n sighing n worrying abt ur relationship, then u're not in real one; logic being tat "REAL" relationship r tough. come on, surely walking around with a weight on ur chest is not what love is supposed to feel like!

some ppl r perfect for each other, this could cuz they complement each other or tolerate each other. NO ONE IS PERFECT n u'd need some1 who can accept ur flaws! n yes, I NEED SOME1 WHO ACCEPT MY FLAWS!

so does LOVE REALY HURTS?? is there no such thing as perfect relationship?? can 2 ppl truly be happy together 4ever??

well, lets c, some ppl they enjoy arguing(not me), some prefer to be non-confrontational, some love unconditionally(me) whereas some find satisfaction in drama. the TRUTH is, love love DOES hurt for some but thats the way they choose it to be. for me, LOVE HURTS ME A LOT! mayb tats the way i chose to be but wat can i do?? i cant juz forget everything v hav been through, i need to keep them all in my heart althought its hurtful.

anyone of u who failed in relationship may hav brought you a lot of pain but at the end of the day, i'm sure u'll learn something fr them and come out them wiser and with a clearer picture of wat you wan or don wan in ur next relationship. n the pain doesnt last. i noe i'm forcing myself tough to get over it, but there's always something tat cant be force, especially our feelings, as us, human being, feelings is the 1st sense for us.

someone juz stole away my love, so wat i think abt love? love MUST BE SELFISH! ITS IMPOSSLBLE TO SHARE IT! V must be selfish abt love.

love makes me happy, sad, but i'm pretty sure that the happy moments will be more than the sad path ways.

for wat i think:1) love is not blind, object! there's for sure always a reason y u love some1
2) love is sweet of cuz for sure, every couples of cuz will try to hav a sweetest relationship
3) love is unfair! strongly agree! when u love him a lot but y he juz ignored it n yet loving someone else? isnt it unfair? when i'm sacrificing a lot for him but yet, he juz couldnt understand it!
4) love is abt sacrificing, of cuz, everyone who is in a relationship must sacrifice, 1st, sacrifice ur heart for him/her other than GOD.
5)love is abt willingness, comfirm! cuz i'm doin everything willingly, exhausting my life willingly. without the supporting from YOU, God, i think i cant able to survive til now. its tiring for wat i'm doin n sacrifice for him.

am waiting you, ****** ***