suprisingly!! thank God!

i got back my debate marks! haha.
unexpected=p. it wasnt tat bad as i thought.
must be our prayers worked!
at 1st i thought i will get very low marks cuz i felt tat i was out of point^^
ok, nvm. i satisfy wif my marks d!
now, waiting for maths mark! this, i seriously i will get low low for it.
nvm, mo st probably my HD for maths flew away d.
n yea, hope my prayer will works again. lol.
miss ya! miss ya!

next week will be a busy week, hav to finish up B.comm, acc, n moral assignments n projects. its all killing me! hav to work somemore. exhausted!

i wish my all my buddies n frens who goin to hav their A-level trials gd luck! study hard! i noe u guys can do it! add oil oh!

life is so complicated, sophisicated.