ReSuLt's DaY!!!

Ok, i went coll early morning for my result!!
At 1st they said it will be out onli at around 10-11oclock..
But i hav planned to go early the day be4..
ARRRR.. i reached around9 N the result is ady OUT on the notice board..
Search search n search for student ID: m08000510..
GOD bless me pls, for distinction..=p.. (70-79marks)
THERE!!! i found it!!! AJ3: m08000510

EMI: 78
HCM: 67.90
IAC: 85.31
IAE: 70.40
MPW: 73

arrrrr!!! i miss one!!! stp human comm!!! 2.10marks more!!! y cant she be kind a bit more n giv me tat 2.10marks!!!

haiz.. nvm lar.. my malaysian studies chicken wan.. haha..

i'm happy wif my econs!!! i thought i can onli credit cuz after i did very badly in my Alevel..

acc i noe i can do better but nvm lar.. even i get more marks oso same grade=p hehe..

for eng ok lar.. got D ady enough..=p

after i saw others result i text them immediately.. all of them oso passed everything wei.. not bad lor.. except one of them.. v must help him..

yay!!! i got free lunch today from Shan=p.. thankz Shan..=)

yay!! i can get watever i wan from Calvin which he hav promised be4 exam if he pass his econs n yet he passed!!! haha..

i went shopping wif vennie after they gone.. v both bought a pants from vincci.. kinda cheap lar.. got 50%discount wei.. hehe..

MNG SALES!!! i wan i wan i wan.. but today onli for members.. nvm.. so juz hav to wait for tomoro!!