i miss all of u guys!! i miss mckl !!!

haha.. i naughty today.. din go to work but end up went back to my ex college cuz to meet up wif lisia for bible study!!! on ar!!! haha.. finally i decided to skip work.. haha.. half way doin bible study wif lisia then someone appeared in front of me.. guess who??!! PEARLY, the babi hutan..^^ hehe.. i really miss her so much lor.. more than half a year din c her ady lor.. she was my best fren when i was still at the college.. i really so happy lor.. then v went for lunch.. haha.. the 'HAPPY' restoran.. after tat pearly's idea to go watch twilight at ts.. ok lor.. since i oso long time din watch movie ady so v went watch movie.. hehe.. i keep on kik her.. funny lar she.. haha.. i think the movie not bad lor.. v like it lor.. then after the movie pearly told us the continuos story which she had read from the book.. sounds nice lor.. ok, now juz came back from lisia`s house for christmas party.. tired tired.. nitezzzz...