
Rules and regulations:

-do not copy ans

-tag ques must be 100% the same

-tag people after doin ur tag

1) calvin

2) vennie

3) jing

4) sia

5) sue ann

6) yeu

7) sue xian

8) khai cheng

9) cassandra

How do you know 1?(calvin)

ans: my collmate lor

What would you do if you had never met 2?(vennie)

ans: my coll's life will be bored

What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?(jing n sia)

ans: i cant do anything but juz accept them n become lesbian=p

Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?( sue ann n yeu )

ans: i'm very SURE they will..

Do you think 7 is attractive?( sue xian )

ans: i think so lor.. always c her hang out wif guys hor.. haha..

Do you know anything about 8's family?( khai cheng)

ans: of cuz i noe everything.. she's my cousin^^

Tell me something about 9?( cassandra)

ans: she doin a-level at methodist coll

What is 1's favorite pastime?( calvin)

ans: problem-maker=p

What language does 2 speak?( sia )

ans: erm.. hakka..

Who is 3 going out with?( jing)

ans: who else.. me lar.. obviously.. haha..

How old is 4?( sia )

ans: 1 7++

When was the last time you talked to 5?( sue ann)

ans: erm.. the night be4 yesterday..

Who is 6's favourite singer ?( yeu)

ans: cant remember wor.. hehe..

Would you date 7? ( sue xian)

ans: uh huh.. how can..

Is 8 single? ( khai cheng)

ans: mayb..

What is 9's last name?( cassandra)

ans: soo

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?( calvin)

ans: fren, got chance got chance.. haha..

Which school does 2 go to?( vennie)

ans: ady in coll.. no more school to go to..

What do you like about 3?( jing)

ans: i love her! sister wei..