haiz.. juz hav to accept it

juz got back my econs paper today..13/20.. i don think i did tat well.. i wan a distintion for it during my finals.. argh! don like u lar, lect A.. i don like objective ques!! i hope finals got more subjective ques.. i cannot stand his complicated objective ques.. haiz.. disappointed wif wat i got.. emo day.. eng too, teacher was nagging us for around 30mins.. i juz think tat she making things more difficult.. nvm.. i will juz try my best n i don hope to re-take any of the subject.. i noe i can do it.. anyway, i juz onli remember my sis's birthday was 5/10 n i forgot to wish her!! die lor.. i feel so mean now.. i noe its kinda late now to wish her but juz hope tat she wil forgive me=p..