our 1st outing after few years!!

wow wow wow.. today was our three sis 1st outing after few years i guess.. i've been waiting for both "sisters" for at least an hour at the train station.. it was SO bloody hot there.. i was interviewed by a student from UPM about AJINOMOTO.. i think she had asked the wrong 1!! Cuz i don cooook.. how the heck i noe about the benefits of the product.. but since its still early(11.10) n was waiting for the two 'sisters' so i juz answered her questionaire for FUn!! haha.. ok, around(11.45);;;;

me:'yay! one of them finally reached'
cy:'where is hp? havent reach ar?'
me:'she's otw to the train station from her house'
cy:'ok then lets go buy tickets 1st'
cy:'hav u eaten? so hot here! lets go somewhere cooler'
me:'yup for breakfast. ok'
cy:'how long more she will be here?'
me:'she said 15min more'
cy:'wah, so long more to go.'
me:'yeah lor, i have already asked her to run to the station'

SO LETS WAITTTTTTT(11.50)..........WAIT(12.00)....... she suppose to reach soon.....

when v both was talking half way.. this happened...'phew, ARGH!!SHIT!!'.. the tickets dropped down to another part of the station..

cy:'Argh! go buy again lar since she nt here yet'(12.05)
me:'aiya, wasted lor'

while cy was lining up for tickets again, i called hp wanted ask her she still need how long more to reach.. once i called, this happened " the num u hav dialed is unavaible".. she put down my called, wasted my 8sens credit wei :(
NVm nvm.. (12.10) FINALLY finally.. so exactly,i've been waited for an hour..