the 1st time!!

today today, i went out my oral group presentation members to mv again.. haha.. 3 of us.. i went there early again to wait for them.. waited for them about 30min.. so its much better than i had waited yesterday for AN HOUR.. it seems like i'm the one who always will be the early bird for any outing=p.. be4 shan meet us, me n vennie went bought a slice of cake for shan's b'day.. after v gave it to him onli he told us the truth tat his burf date was 22 bt nt TODAY! nvm.. v went for lunch n discussed about our LOUSY presentation.. i think its seriously lousy lar.. no choice, no other idea.. haiz.. after the discussion, shan drove us all the way to pyramid juz to look for jason and to meet my bro actually=p so ttat he can fetch me back in order t save my time n $$ for 'the malaysia' public transport.. N N N today onli v found out tat shan actually came from a rich family.. haha.. YAY! happy happy, TODAY is the 1st time vennie come stay over my place for our human comm research ques.. i think v gt no time to slp since now v r still chit chatting more than doin our research.. haha.. nvm.. gd thing yesterday i had a nice slp.. v brought vennie for crab dinner=p.. yeah, so now v r still doin our research... searching through out the net:)