u owe me, hor!

after so long,
finally get to hang out with u guys again=)

"green tea pearl milk tea"
made me couldn't get into dream land whole night...

ard 2ish a.m.
eh, finally i'm asleep by then...

'straight thru my heart'.............. guess wat, phone was ringing at midnight ard 3!!!!
wth that call me so late at night, strange number!!!
ah, must be some midnight ghost or dunderhead that played with the phone... dont bother n i switch off my phone continue my sleep with my comforter..

goodness, its just less than a sec the other phone ringing...
GRRRRRRRRRRR, who so free n still awake when the its pretty late now!!! n not many of u know my both numbers....
FORCED to get down from my bed to reach the other phone call..
SAME STRANGE number!!! i'm so not going to answer those foolish number especially called in the middle of the night... get lost, 'silent mode'!!!

i starts to worry, something serious mite be happening, izzit kenneth left something in my car?? or something elso happen to chyan yeu?? sue ann?? fiona??

fine, decided to on my the phone back n ans the call if the dumb dumb call again...

sue ann!!!! yea, her voice!!!
forgot wats the exact conver..
her phone left in my car?? izzit??
sue ann: 'check for me pls..........., i couldnt sleep....pls.... i owe u a meal....'
fine, i parked my car outside, isnt it really creepy to sneak out middle of the night???
i was comtemplating what should i do=))
just go out n check, God bless me!

end it,
her pampered iphone was really in my car... thank goodness...