
what a tiring day!!!

i reached vennie house around 11++...

went 1u picked kaameni up for our interview somewhere near there... for management project.... so troublesome....

i love tat uncle house!!! was so gothic but its so comfortable once i went in!! with dim lighting for the whole house!!! i dont know how to describe it more in words but its just make me so into the house!!!

ok, the interviewed for around 1 hour... tats quite long tho...=p

our shopping trip started after it at 1u,
eh, its the very 1st time kaameni came along for our shopping trip!!!
erm, i guess everyone bought something today....

goodness, went midvalley straight after my parents fetched me fr vennie house,
i was really tired n headache while the way to mv,

nvm lar, at least i bought something=p...
i bought shirts, shoes, n yea, things from body shop's offer!!!


these r some of our pics for the day!