guess wat??

thurs night: i'm goin to drive myself tomoro!!! tomoro around 10 morning should be quite smooth the traffic.. ok nights..

woke up around 9, get ready to fetch gan from his college.
ended up ffk me...

ar, nvm lar.. fetch vennie earlier then fetch amanda n LETS GO for meat balls!!!
shhhh, my parents din noe i'm goin so far=p...

GOODNESS, JAM!!!! EVERYWHERE!!! what on earth happen!!! so jam!!!

from my house to pj i took 1hour!!! jam all the way!!!

after picked up vennie from pj then went down to usj fetch amanda... u know lar, usj as usual always jam...

guess how many hours i reach ikea???!!!!

TWO N HALF HOURS!!!! my house to pj to usj to curve,,, it took me 2n half hours!!!

nvm, at least get to eat meatballs which i misses most=p... shopped whole day til 5ish... legs were tired...

i myself oso cant believe tat i DAREd to drive so far=p... haha..

yay! safe journey all the way back home.... thank GOD!

ah, be4 tat, after dropped vennie home went midvally fetch aunt, JAM AGAIN!!! all the way to midvalley... went wrong way, ended up at bangsar n made a big uturn back to mv....

home sweet home... safe!!! lol..


manda said...

hey nice hanging out with u!!
i enjoyed it a lot man, SERIOUSLY.
and i was so touched tat u drove all the way here just to fetch me..
i noe i said this tonnes of times but i still wanna say tis,

p/s: eh yea tat day was damn jam=.="