good luck n all the best for all my alevel's frens! U

1st of all,
to : all my mckl frens!
i will miss seeing u guys a lots!
hope all of u will do well!!
thankz for goin being part of my life for my 5mths in mckl!
love all of u guys!!

to : my highschoolmates who doin alevels!
after u guys exam must hang out! jing especially!
i noe u guys can do it!!! gambateh!!!
aku suka pada semua-mu!!!

ok, come back to my life,
wed afternoon, facebook made me mad n kuku!
thankz sis for talking to me,
thankz bro for making me laugh,
thankz everyone who was supporting me all these while!
thankz a lot, tats the onli word i can think of in my mind for u guys,
i will, do still wait for him n continue my life,

ar, boring fri with no classes on! boys like girls-

juz got my new car two days ago! -WSN 8825-

stuffy n hot weather just making our lives sucks,

i love econs! -unique-

Godiva chocolatier made my day! - premium chocolates-

who the h sent me tat??! -random text-

happy to c bro back again! -jeff-

cant think of anything else to write anymore,

my main purpose is to wish all my alevel frens all the best n good luck guys!!

i noe u can do it,
try n do ur best,
will be praying hard for u,
use ur time wisely for this last 10days,
take watching football as to release ur stress,
take it easy,
its ur last n still last chance to show ur best in this course,
put all ur effort,
no matter wat, i will always be by ur side to go through ur tough path way wif u,
take extra care,
