day be4 2nd sem exam!

oh great, wait, it wasnt great at all.
today is the day i mean the onli sunday i stayed at home! sounds bored, n yeah, boring! no choice, need to study for the papers tomoro^^
forced myself to wake up early morning to start my 'study journey',
ACCOUNTS! yes, accounts again! kind of fed up of it, but future accountant is here, so wat to do, hav to to it!
BYE, parents n bro all went out, home alone =( indulge yea =p hee.
watched E! whole afternoon while doin acc in the same time =p n its really entertained.
the story began, crap, y izzit him again?? i juz cant delete him out of my mind, was deeply thinking of him while i'm alone ='(
there, juz blog n espressed myself. implicit, juz keep it always to u both then since its so secretive,so juz keep it sly, be hoarders!!!!
no matter wat, u're always my sole one! seems like there's no panacea for me to get it over, too bad for me.
n good luck everyone, my mates who goin to have exam tomoro! yup, i beleive tat liars will hav their consequences, y izzit so? cuz it happened! its ady a FACT!!!
ends here, need to continue my revisions!