paramount church camp!

ok, last few posts was really emo n yeah, something tat make me happy here after my lousy shittie weekends. i dowan to mention again wat happened, but juz screwed up AGAIN, n sry sis n bro! enjoy the pics! its a half day camp at taman pertanian malaysia, shah alam. sounds cool rite? yeah, it was pretty cool but the morning rain juz spoilt my mood. but kinda enjoyed myself wif the environment there. was really cooling~~ next, went 1U wif my girls' frens. ar! bought things again, i juz couldnt stop shopping, buying clothes, spending money! crap! tats bad! from last year OCT till NOW, i think i hav bought more than 80clothes=p hehe. i'm crazy shopper yea=p n last month i had spent i think 1k=p. AR! someone must stop me speonding $$ like drnking water!!! broke!! nvm, tomoro gonna start work at robinsons, so $$ is coming back!!! hahaha.