ok, screwed up my life again! juz cant believe it!

ok, i dunno wat i hav done tat my year will be so freaking crazy bad luck,
listen here, i juz cant believe it, JL, i guessed those who noe me sure noe him,
wat kind of person he is?
romantic?? sacrificing?? lol. n yes! he's not tat type at all!

haha, guessed wat i heard,
1. googled for her house add
2. plan to bring her out for lunch
3. plan to fetch her out for concert
4. fetched her to his house play
5. plan party for everyone go his house but juz for her
6. plan to ask her for prom date
7. sent a banquet of flowers for valentine
8. buy her lime juice when she sick
9. changed his gang of frens cuz of her
10. lied to everyone cuz of her
11. etc

r tat all rumours?? haha, i don think so its a rumours or story told by some story teller, i don think its a rumours if its nt true, i don think its story make by some story maker if things din happened, n yes, after all, i believe its true.

i think tats ady enough from how he changed cuz of her. the JL tat everyone noe last time, he don give a darn for valentine day, he don plan anything for his ex, he will nvr bring his ex back home when parents around, he will nvr make a party for everyone cuz of his ex, he don give a darn when his ex sick. OMG! is tat u U now ar?

i cant believe seriously! n all these shit happened since last year oct which v juz broke up for less than a month after three years of relationship! wth is happening in this world! izzit so easy for a guy or a person to forget wat had happened in three years?!! a girl can 360degree changed a 19years old guy so easily?

omg! i feel so cheated for the past 3years by him. i had sacrifice so much for him. i;m the one tat cared abt valentine, plan to go out wif him, take care of him everytime, everything everything. ok, the onli thing here, 'i'm nt a christian'.

ar! i juz dunno how to explain my feelings now. ok, no matter wat, i will be waiting! no matter wat, u n onli u!

even though its been so long,
my love for u keeps goin strong,
i remember the things tat v used to do.

ar! there, pls pray for me, i feel tat nothing left for me here!


athens+prawn said...

Change is a fact of life. We just have to accept and adapt to it. Be still and know that He is God. And He's always there for you no matter what, waiting to embrace you with His unfailing love. Cheer up! =)