haha. i'm back to blog!

hey there,
sry i don hav time to update my blog lately=p
cuz was kinda busy wif test n assignments throughout the week,
nothing muh happen actually,
was happy went lunch wif men n jing yesterday!
1st time men came look for us, cuz the both of them i skipped my maths class. haha.
enjoyed our stories time ya! haha.
erm, yea, i cant remember wat had happened ady. but for one thing, i hav been missing him a lot=( felt happy when i saw his car the day, haha=p
was trying very hard to study these few days but most of the time i was sloughing n enjoyed my show=p
i hate this sem's timetable la seriously, everyday morning class n was so crazy jam everymorning. stp morning classes, making me feel drownsy n couldnt really concentrate. hee.
ok, sad tat i juz found out i'm goin to aust next year d, the onli thing i wanna do be4 i leave is to do my best for him. hope to leave my best for him be4 i leave.=( sheer sad of tat.
well, tomoro will be having moral stdudies test! n i dunno anything, cuz was skipping classes for my both sis=p haha. i'm not blaming them but i was really happy to spent my time wif the both of them. hope our next sing k session will be on soon=p
oh yea, tat day got ffk by fren, ended up shopped alone at pyramid n spent for clothes n was having lunch alone at j&co. weird weird weird, was eating alone n ppl looked at me like one kind=P hehe.
i guess now i gonna start looking trough my moral studies d.