lets blog more about yesterday!

ok, lets start from the beginning of all, i think everything started at 8ish. steamboat 1st continue wif bbq, play cards, drinking, fire crackers, chit chat erm n lastly MAMAK. hehe. those guys n my dad had drank two bottles of chivas whereas us girls drank red wine+apple juice^^ gd thing no one really drunk yea. oh yeah, v had fire crackers fighting section as well=p. KK vs YEU. haha. someone's shoes NEARLY get burn yea. haha. n playing cards section the dealer won: calvin n my dad. =p here come to almost the end of the party! ARGH! phing's phone dropped deep down into the toilet bowl!!!! fortunately huh, there's this "HERO" gave her his hand to save her phone. "i can be ur HERO hui phing" YEU, the HERO!!! he came out wif many ideas n had tried to use many ways to dig the phone out. finally, he digged the phone out wif a spoon n his whole hand was in the toilet's drain. sounds disgusting yea, but he was still willing to help.