yesterday at my place!!

before v left to coll!!! our costume for the adver presentation!! i'm the mummy=p, vennie(sister of Shan), n Shan will be the young n naugthy little bro.. haha.. r v nervous?? i think v were, v were..

haha.. yesterday morning v went vennie's place for our human comm presentation discussion.. i think we spent whole afternoon and did nothing much.. wasted a lot of time for cutting the movie scenes.. shouldnt choose tat stp dumb ques.. nvm.. ok, around 4, Shan fetched me n Vennie to my house to practice our adver presentation tomoro, discuss for acc quiz tomoro n help Shan for econs.. was raining really heavy when otw back.. practice, practice, practice till aound 7++, v got called from others told us they otw to genting FOR DINNER and tempted us too.. haha.. end up me, vennie, shan n jason went pyramid for dinner.. sakae sushi.. and after tat v went Shan's place which is SEMENYIH to take his clothes.. its FREAKING far!! one hour from pyramid.. lastly, they ended up staying over my place.. around 3 ni v slept, were doin acc lor n woke up at 5.. only TWO hours of sleep!! crazy!!