midnight movie!

thursday night,
night be4 yesterday we went dinner together be4 v go jason's place for human comm discussion.. tomoro midnight james bond on ar.. uh huh.. sounds nice.. on lar on lar.. after v finished the discussion v went the usual place, station 1 for tea..

friday night,
Shan wanted me to teach him econs n journal so i asked him sent me back after class so tat i can teach him and also for the eng advertisment.. ok well, end up i used one hour to shower then chaoz to chloe's house meet up others.. hehe.. feel so sorry to him.. ok next, as usual,, me, chloe, brian, shan, n foong pooi waited for others for so long at chloe's place.. they r always late.. around 9 we reach 1u and i was kinda of hungry cuz havent take dinner yet.. took kinda long to look for parking too.. finally, v went fish & co for dinner.. i ate new york fish and chips.. but gave half to 'uncle' brian.. cuz the meal was too big^^ me and keong shared a drink..'passion fruit' cuz can refill=p.. we drank i think almost 6cups if i'm nt wrong.. haha.. movie time: 11.30.. so after dinner it was still quite early, some of them went for pool.. time to go in.. haha.. i watched the beginning AND the end..=p.. fell asleep middle.. hehe.. was so cold and comfortable seating to sleep.. lousy ending.. nt nice nt nice the movie.. on ar.. next stop was mamak stall.. but cuz calvin was tired and sick i guessed, so v went off early.. be3, reached home.. thankz calvin.. owe u.. i noe u nearly nearly got lost..=p lastly, i hav made a conclusion, midnight movie usually will fall asleep wan.. i paid RM11 so i onli watch RM5.50's and wasted RM5.50.. haha.. ^^