sick sick! argh!

lousy day.. skipped econs lect class.. went ioi mall for lunch wif my classmates.. haha.. ok, kind of entertained by calvin, uh huh, he told us how to roast chicken and bake cookies.. so is he goin to be a gd chef or lousy pilot?? haha.. i had black paper spiral pasta for lunch.. yummie..^^.. straight after the lunch, i felt something wrong wif my throat.. argh!! throat-ache.. hate it.. nvm, i thought i can go home take a rest n drink more water it will be ok BUT BUT BUT someone spoilt my sleeping time!! argh!! at 1st i actually don believe wat they told me was true tat they dropped my human comm file n some of my papers came out..ok, i found out its SO TRUE after i've seen it.. NNNNN i hav to forgo my afternoon nap to repair every single piece of my paper.. most of them were torn..=( argh argh argh.. heart broken when i saw it=(=(.. nvm nvm.. forgive u, fren.. i'm nt so small gas like u =p.. thankz wei keong picking it up n THANKZ the one who dropped it! sore throat getting worse.. although after i drank vinegar.. sigh.. i'm here goin to slp soon.. tata..