malaysian studies presentation day!

all these happened during our break time after presentation.. haha.. i think our group presentation was kinda lousy and lousy calvin, asked stp ques, made us cant ans.. u better watch out next week when ur turn come! yer!! if v get low marks, group members remember to blame on him..

from the right now, pooi pooi, hao yee, nancy, kaameni, amanda, renee, vennie and me^^ finally got one more black in..

from the left, me, vennie. renee, kaameni, nancy, hao yee and pooi pooi.. yer, i'm the onli black..

vennie, me n renee.. i'm always in the middle.. lolz..

me and renee.. the black and white..>_<

me, hao yen and viona.. the onli guy tat doin presentation today except the 3broS..

vennie and me.. my gf at the back sms-ing her bf.. hoho..

vennie, me and renee.. blurrr, dunno where was i looking=p

me, renee, and foong pooi..^^