last night.

uh huh.. 1st time join them for badminton last night.. was quite fun bt my fren, vennie look so down compared to the other days she came over my place.. haiz.. its a conundrum for her.. hope she can calm down herself asap and get back to her study.. oh yeah, thankz for ur shirt from ur vacation fren.. i like it.. ok, after badminton, bryan, vennie, chloe and i went hav a drink at station one cafe and oso met wai kheong.. v hung at that cafe till around 12.45.. after that, they sent me back home.. so nice of u all.. thanks so much.. i noe its troublesome for u guys tomy place.. i noe u guys almost got sesak.. haha.. but i was a gd road director rite=p hahaha.. self praised.. anyway, thanks again yea..