haha.. finally v r done!!

yay yay yay!! finally v r done wif our human comm research ques!! actually nothing to happy about=p cuz tomoro is our date line anyway v hav to finish it by today.. hahaha.. hope wat i did will be correct lar.. after this v hav to start our eng presention.. another things to worry of.. haiz.. today wasnt a gd day, eng test was so difficult as econs too.. i got so low wei.. the ques was complicated.. nvm.. do it better next time lor.. wat to do.. oh yeah, n acc, v oso got back the paper today.. erm, nt bad lar for acc.. but i lose marks cuz of STUPID calculations.. argh!! kik sei me when i found out.. yeah, i'm so dumb.. yeah, i'm lousy.. certain of my frens were so down cuz of their result, they were not satisfy wif their marks although i think they got quite high, CHILL frens.. do it better next time.. wat u've done is over.. be more confident next time when u do ur paper..