the 2nd day!

today is the 2nd day vennie staying over my place. haha. she suppose to go back home today but i think she miss me too much and decided to stay for another night=p. anyway, today i brought her for shopping wif my famuly at pyramid. that shopping complex was'ppl mountain ppl c' cuz of the raya and its fulled of malays. 1st time i seen pyramid fulled of malays, don feel comfortable to shop. but i brought few shirt. blue's, yellow's, n black's. hehe. and i too brought vennie along to my aunt' house for party. she hav seen all my aunts n uncles. k, now v r doin our research n journal again. all cuz of human comm works v cant enjoy our holidays. spoilt our holidays. but i feel sick. dunno y. mayb ate too much juz now. haha. feel sleepy too. slept too late last night and yet woke up quite early i guess. or mayb i used too much comp this few days. eyes very tired. aikz. suppose to hang out wif sue ann they all but it din works. they hav changed it to fri but i don feel like goin out on fri, hav to study for my exam next week. lousy holidays!! N ME N PHING STILL WAITING FOR U,SISTER cy. ish!