Before this i was eager to watch harry potter since i've watched the last four...
erm, people around told me its not nice AT aLL..
nvm, i so still want to watch it tho...

went watched on fri, 'movie day'^^...
nah, its not nice at all!!.. instead its bored...

should be my worst day for the week always... piano lesson will be held every sat=(..
there's this pessimistic feelings before i went for lesson..
n yea, it was terrible, horrible... the more i practise, the worse i played=(...
i'm still comtemplementing should i go for the exam still.. which on AUG 19th... about 3 to 4 weeks more...
suppose to go for jo n kumaran's birthday party but i felt so sry to them i did not turn up=(.. i'm sry guys, i misses u guys a lot tho...

evening, went klcc with parents..
i ate this costly japanese ramen at isetan hokaido fair with crabs n big fresh scallops!!! yummy, max utilities=)... i'm feeling much better after eating that=)..

my degree just started today,
ar, first lecture was so bored, malay lecturer...
nway, hope our tutor group will be nice=)...